Home Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Lower High Falls, Talladega Forest - Bill Wilson
Air Programs

The Air Division administers the Alabama Department of Environmental Management's Air Pollution Control Program pursuant to the authorities granted by the provisions of the Alabama Environmental Management Act, Ala. Code §§22-22A-1 to 22-22A-16 and the Alabama Air Pollution Control Act, Ala. Code ??22-28-1 to 22-28-23. The Air Division also administers the delegable provisions of the Clean Air Act, the federal law that regulates air emissions from stationary and mobile sources.

The Air Division has primary jurisdiction over all air emission sources within the State, except those emission sources located within Jefferson County or the City of Huntsville. The Air Pollution Control Programs in these areas are administered by the Jefferson County Department of Health (www.jcdh.org) and the City of Huntsville Department of Natural Resources (www.huntsvilleal.gov/government/departments/natural-resources/), respectively. Air emission sources in these areas should contact these agencies for information regarding applicable regulations and permitting requirements.

The rules for ADEM's Air Pollution Control Program are found in Division 3 of the ADEM Administrative Code. Division 3 regulations include emission standards and control requirements on both a pollutant-specific basis and process/equipment/industry specific basis. Division 3 also sets forth the permitting requirements for air emission sources.

Contact Information

Attn: Air Division
Post Office Box 301463
Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1463

Telephone Number: (334) 271-7861
Fax Number: (334) 279-3044