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Lower High Falls, Talladega Forest - Bill Wilson

Keep Our Waters Clean Campaign

City of Montgomery Litter Trap Video

Unauthorized Dumps Video

Scrap Tire Sites Video

Earth Day Video Series


Public Hearings

06-20-2024 Proposed Revisions to the Solid Waste Program Division 335-13, ADEM Admin Code Public Hearing

06-10-2024 Proposed Revisions to Division 3 ADEM Administrative Code Public Hearing

03-21-2024 Division 335-4, ADEM Administrative Code Public Hearing

03-07-2024 Grayson Carter and Son/Stoned LLC Air/NPDES Permit Public Hearing

02-05-24 Hosea O. Weaver & Sons, Inc. Public Hearing

01-23-24 Pillar Materials, LLC Public Hearing Part 1

01-23-24 Pillar Materials, LLC Public Hearing Part 2

12-14-23 Division 335-15 Rule Making Changes

12-14-23 Division 335-1 Rule Making Changes

12-13-23 Rock Creek Stone LLC Public Hearing

11-28-23 Outokumpu Stainless USA, LLC Public Hearing

11-02-23 BASF Corporation Public Hearing

10-19-23 City of Hoover-MS4 Phase 1 Permit Public Hearing Part 2

10-19-23 City of Hoover-MS4 Phase I Permit Public Hearing Part 1

10-17-23 Proposed Revisions to the Water Quality Program Volume II Division 335-6 ADEM Admin Code Public Hearing

10-11-23 Proposed Revisions to Division 3 ADEM Admin Code and the Ala State Implementation Plan Public Hearing

04-18-23 Chemical Waste Management, Inc. Public Hearing

10-18-22 Lacey Springs Quarry Public Hearing

08-04-22 Tennessee Valley Authority CCR Public Hearing

05-19-22 Fort Morgan Treatment Plant Public Hearing

04-14-22 Arrowhead Landfill Public Hearing

03-17-22 Division 335-13 Rulemaking Changes

01-10-22 Public Hearing Meeting D7

01-06-22 Public Hearing Meeting 16

01-06-22 Public Hearing Meeting 6

12-16-21 Alabama Power Company Plant Gorgas CCR Public Hearing Part 1

12-16-21 Alabama Power Company Plant Gorgas CCR Public Hearing Part 2

09-08-21 Division 3 Rule Making Public Hearing

09-07-21 Division 13 Rule Making Public Hearing

Archived Public Hearings

