Division 1
General Administration
(effective date - April 14, 2024) |
This Division describes the organization of
the Environmental Management Commission and the Department; prescribes
methods the public may use to obtain information or make submissions or
requests; describes the procedures for the submission, consideration and
disposition of petitions for declaratory rulings; provides for permit
application forms and the assessment of application fees.
Division 2
Environmental Management
(effective date - February 15, 2021) |
This Division prescribes the rules of
procedure for hearing appeals of administrative actions of the Alabama
Department of Environmental Management; petitions for rulemaking; and,
rules of procedure for meetings of the Alabama Environmental Management
Division 3
Air Pollution Control Program
(effective date - February 12, 2024) |
This Division prescribes regulations to
protect and enhance the public health and welfare through the
development and implementation of coordinated statewide programs for the
prevention, abatement and control of air pollution.
Division 4
Scrap Tire Program
(effective date - August 12, 2024) |
This Division implements the comprehensive
regulation and remediation of illegal scrap tire accumulations; provides
administration and oversight of scrap tire processors, receivers and
transporters; and, provides approved engineered uses of landfilled scrap
tire material.
Division 5
Uniform Environmental Covenants Program
(effective date - February 12, 2024) |
These regulations are promulgated to establish minimum requirements governing environmental covenants pursuant to the Alabama Uniform Environmental Covenants Act, Code of Alabama 1975, §§35-19-1 to 35-19-14.
Division 6 Volume 1
Water Quality Program (NPDES)
(e.g., Water Quality Standards, NPDES, and UIC)
(effective date - February 15, 2021) |
This Division prescribes regulations for
development and implementation of water quality standards and water body
use classifications for all waters of the State; prescribes conditions
relevant to the issuance of permits to include effluent limitations for
each discharge for which a permit is issued; and, such other rules as
necessary to enforce water quality standards. Also, this Division
incorporates regulations for the State's Underground Injection Control (UIC).
Division 6 Volume 2
Water Quality Program (UST)
(effective date - February 12, 2024) |
This Division prescribes regulations to
establish construction, installation, performance, and operating
standards for underground storage tanks, as well as the administrative
procedures for disbursements from the Alabama Underground and
Aboveground Storage Tank (Tank Trust Fund).
Division 6 Volume 3
Reclaimed Water Reuse Program
(effective date - September 29, 2015) |
This Division establishes the procedures and requirements for the issuance and maintenance of pollution source permits for publicly and privately owned wastewater treatment plants with waste streams consisting mostly of municipal wastewater to be able to voluntarily reuse highly treated effluent wastewater for beneficial irrigation purposes.
Division 7
Water Supply Program
(effective date - April 14, 2022) |
This Division prescribes regulations
regarding the purity, potability, wholesomeness and physical quality of
water which may affect the comfort, public health or public well-being.
Division 8
Coastal Program
(effective date - May 28, 2013) |
This Division is promulgated to establish
rules and procedures to administer the permitting, regulatory and
enforcement functions of the Alabama Coastal Area Management Program (ACAMP).
Division 9
Well Driller Licensing Program
(effective date - May 1988) |
This Division is promulgated for the
licensing and certification of water well drillers and the development
and implementation of water well construction standards to ensure that a
pure, sanitary and healthful water supply is provided to the public.
Division 10
Water Division Operator
Certification Program
(effective date - April 3, 2007) |
This Division is promulgated to protect the
public health and welfare and prevent pollution by establishing a
program for the certification of the competency of operators to operate
water and wastewater treatment plants, water distribution systems, and
public wastewater systems; and classification of all such plants and
Division 11
State Revolving Fund
(effective date - April 13, 2020) |
These rules establish procedures for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), a subsidized loan program for the construction of wastewater, stormwater, and green infrastructure improvements.
Division 13
Solid Waste Program
(effective date - August 15, 2022) |
This Division is promulgated to establish criteria for the disposal of solid waste and the design, location, operation, closure and post-closure of landfill units.
The following are the plans incorporated in Chapter 335-13-9:
Solid Waste Management Plan - May 2008
Division 14
Hazardous Waste Program
(effective date - June 12, 2023) |
This Division is promulgated to provide
comprehensive management of the generation, transportation, treatment,
storage and disposal of hazardous wastes.
Division 15
Brownfield Redevelopment and
Voluntary Cleanup Program
(effective date - April 14, 2024) |
This Division is promulgated to provide a
mechanism for the implementation of a cleanup program that encourages
applicants to voluntarily assess, remediate, and reuse rural and urban
areas of actual or perceived contamination.
Division 16
Drycleaning Trust Fund Program
(effective date - April 14, 2022) |
This Division is promulgated to establish
performance standards for new drycleaning facilities/new wholesale
distribution facilities, retrofit of existing drycleaning
facilities/wholesale distribution facilities, criteria for reporting
suspected or discovered contamination and requirements or investigation,
assessment and remediation of contamination from those facilities. |
Division 17
Medical Waste Program
(effective date - January 16, 2012) |
Alabama is an "authorized" state, meaning that it is authorized by the EPA to administer state environmental law in lieu of most federal environmental laws. This is consistent with Alabama statutes that created ADEM, and which express legislative intent to have federal environmental laws administered at the state level. The scope of the Department's statutory authorities is listed below. These are the only laws under which ADEM can write regulations. Our laws are found under Title 22 of the Code of Alabama 1975.