Current Sewage Spills - Sanitary Sewer Overflow Map
The Sanitary Sewer Overflow map allows users to see the locations of SSOs that have been reported to the Department. They are displayed on the map for 10 days after the SSO has ceased. The colors indicate the volume of the discharge.
Click on any dot on the map and a popup will display information about the SSO(s).
At the top of the popup that is displayed after clicking on a dot, there is a number that indicates the number of SSOs at that location. Users can cycle through them by clicking on the arrows at the top of the popup.
At the bottom of the popup is a link (“click for eFile”) that will take users to SSOs reported from that facility. The eFile entries that appear are sorted by date from most recent to oldest and contain only SSO reports.
Users can zoom in and out by using the +/- buttons at the top left of the map, the scroll on their mouse, or by holding the Shift key down while clicking and dragging a box on the map to zoom in.
The Switch Basemap button at the top right of the page allows users to select a different basemap.
Treated Sewer Discharge Points - Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility Outfalls
The Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility Outfalls map allows users to see the locations of Municipal Land Application and Surface Water Discharges. They are color coded by type.
Click on any dot on the map and a popup will display information about the outfall.
At the top of the popup that is displayed after clicking on a outfall, there is a number that indicates the number of outfalls at the click location. Users cycle through them by clicking on the arrows at the top of the popup.
At the bottom of the popup is a link(click for eFile) that will take users to files for the permit number of the outfall for the entry clicked.
Users can zoom in and out by using the +/- buttons at the top left of the map, the scroll on their mouse, or by holding the Shift key down while clicking and dragging a box on the map to zoom in.
The Switch Basemap button at the top right of the page allows users to select a different basemap.
Alabama Fish Consumption Advisories
The map shows the geographic areas described in the Fish Consumption Advisories issued by the Alabama Department of Public Health. The user can click on the tab that interests them and then click on one of the Fish Consumption Advisories indicated by red lines. The area of the advisory will be selected in blue. There could be other advisories near or adjacent. A pop-up will display the details of the selected area. If there is more than one advisory for the selected area, there will be an arrow visible in the upper right of the pop-up. Keep clicking the arrow until it disappears to view all advisories.
Coastal Beach Monitoring Map
The map allows the user to click on the location symbol on the map. Then click the 'Click for results' in the pop-up to download the data for that location. The Summary Beach Data can be downloaded by clicking on the Summary beach data at the top of the page. For more information on the Coastal Beach Monitoring Program,
click here.